Summary of doctoral thesis
Nitrous oxide emissions and mitigation strategies: measurements on an intensively fertilized vegetable cropped loamy soil
Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a potent greenhouse gas which is also involved in stratospheric ozone depletion. There is consensus that a reduction in N2O emissions is ecologically worthwhile. Agricultural soils are the major source of N2O emissions in Germany. It is known that high N-fertilization stimulates N2O emissions by providing substrate for the microbial production of N2O by nitrification and denitrification in soils. However, outside the vegetation period, winter freeze/thaw events can also lead to high N2O emissions. Winter emissions constitute about 50% of total emissions in Germany. Therefore, annual datasets are a prerequisite for the development of N2O mitigation strategies in regions with winter frost.
Many studies have investigated mitigation strategies for N2O emissions from agricultural soils. However, N2O release from vegetable production has seldom been studied. None of the existing trace gas measurements on intensive vegetable production is representative for the climatic conditions of Southern Germany. Due to the high fertilizer N-input (resulting in high levels of mineral N in the soil) and N-rich residues in late autumn, high annual N2O emissions are to be expected.
N2O fluxes were measured from a soilcropped with lettuce and cauliflower in Southern Germany by means of the closed chamber method, at least weekly, for two years. An additional study was conducted using 15N labeled ammonium sulfate nitrate (ASN) fertilizer and exchange of labeled and unlabeled residues to obtain information about the sources (fertilizer, residues, soil internal mineralization) of N2O emissions.
Different mitigation strategies such as fertilizer reduction, addition of the nitrification inhibitor 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP) and banded fertilization were evaluated with respect to their reduction potential on an annual base. Fertilizer reduction is supposed to decrease the soil mineral N level, reducing the available substrate for N2O producing microorganisms. DMPP is a chemical compound which inhibits nitrification enzymatically. In banded fertilization, ammonium rich fertilizer is applied in a depot. This high concentration is also supposed to inhibit nitrification as it is toxic to microorganisms. N2O emissions should be firstly reduced directly by this inhibition of nitrification and secondly, by a lower nitrate content in soil resulting in less N2O release due to denitrification.
A high temporal variability in N2O fluxes was observed with emission peaks after N-fertilization, after the incorporation of crop residues (especially in combination with N-fertilization), after rewetting of dry soil and after thawing of frozen soil in winter. Total cumulative annual emissions were 8.8 and 4.7 kg N2O-N ha-1 a-1 for the first and second experimental year in the conventionally (broadcast) fertilized treatment. This treatment was fertilized according to the German Target Value System. N2O emission factors were 1.6 and 0.8%. This is within the range of 0.3 - 3% which is cited in the Guidelines for the Calculation of National Greenhouse Gas Inventories proposed by the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC).
A positive correlation was found in both years between the mean nitrate content of the top soil and the cumulative N2O emissions of all treatments (r2=0.44 and 0.68) as well as between the N-surpluses and the cumulative N2O emissions of the different fertilizer levels during the first year (r2=0.95). Fertilizer reduction from fertilization according to good agricultural practice following the recommendations of the German Target Value System reduced annual N2O emissions by 17% in the first experimental year without yield reduction. For the second year, the reducing effect was 10%, but statistically not significant. Another fertilizer reduction of a further 20% reduced N2O emissions, but also resulted in lower lettuce yields in the first year. Therefore, an additional fertilizer reduction is not recommendable.
This work provides, for the first time, annual datasets on the effect of DMPP-application on N2O emissions. Addition of DMPP significantly reduced annual N2O emissions by > 40% during both years, there was also a pronounced effect, both during the vegetation period and winter. The reason for the reducing effect in winter is not yet clear because the degradation of the active agent DMPP is temperature dependent and should take about 6 to 8 weeks under summer climatic conditions. However, we still observed significant reductions in N2O emissions in winter, about 3 months after the application. Furthermore, a reduction in CO2 release was observed indicating a possible influence on heterotrophic activities or at least on their C-turnover. Due to its high N2O mitigation potential, further investigations concerning the functional and structural changes in microbial biomass after DMPP application are needed. Banded fertilization with ASN did not result in the expected reduction in N2O emissions on an annual base. Even when exchanging the ASN fertilizer by nitrate-free ammonium sulfate, N2O emissions were not diminished. We assume that the high emissions were derived from the microbially intact surroundings of the depots, where nitrification was not inhibited and nitrate concentrations were probably very high, creating ideal conditions for denitrification.
After one year, the major part of the fertilizer-15N was found in the soil. Only between 13 -15% of the fertilizer was taken up by the marketable plant parts. 1.4% of the 15N was lost as N2O-N. Total 15N recovery was 70% after one year. The losses of non-recovered N were probably caused by nitrate leaching or as gaseous compounds such as N2 or NOx. Compared to cereal production systems, the N use efficiency of this vegetable production system is much lower, even with an optimized fertilization strategy. The measurement of 15N abundances in the N2O revealed that the most significant part of the emissions (38%) was derived from the fertilizer-N which had been taken up by cauliflower residues. N2O emissions directly derived from lettuce and cauliflower fertilizer contributed 26% and 20% respectively while N2O emissions from soil internal N pools accounted for 15%. The contribution of lettuce residues was negligible due to their low amount of C and N.
The reason for the high importance of the cauliflower residues was ascribed to the temporarily C-limitation of the system and the provision of electron donators by organic material. Furthermore, O2 is consumed during their degradation leading to the formation of anaerobic microsites when soil moisture is high. These sites offer ideal conditions for denitrification. Especially the combination of mineral N-fertilization and input of organic substance was found to increase N2O emissions. Therefore, the influence of a de-synchronization of the incorporation of crop residues and the mineral N-fertilization by waiting periods of up to 3 weeks was tested in an additional field trial during the cultivation of chard. The longer the waiting time between incorporation of crop residues and N-fertilizer application was, the lower were the N2O emissions. However, the effect was not statistically significant on an annual base.
In an additional microcosm incubation model study, the effect of reduced and increased input as well as of different C/N-ratios of cauliflower residues was analyzed. It was shown that due to the high nitrate level in the microcosms only the amount of residue input has an effect on the N2O emissions. The N2O emissions increased with increased amount of cauliflower residues.
Although the emission factors were within the range given by the IPCC, the absolute annual N2O emission was high in intensive vegetable production due to the high N-input. Further research is required in order to fully understand the effect of DMPP on the processes of N2O production in the field. Our study underlines the importance of avoiding N-surpluses and of strategies for residue management to reduce N2O emissions in intensive vegetable production.